Module 1: Rational Emotive Therapy This module uses Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) to address Distorted Thinking. It reveals Faulty Assumptions and Biases that we all hold which influence how we view and react to the world, and gives advice on how to more accurately interpret the world and take control of our emotions. I recommend this module to: - anyone who wants a better understanding how their mind works - anyone who feels that their emotions and feelings are uncontrollable Module 2: Anger and Being Effective This module addresses Anger by teaching Effective methods to deal with intense anger and conflict. It helps you figure out your personal anger styles, teaches how to make yourself aware of your anger, and skills on how to manage anger. I recommend this module to: - anyone who wants to better resolve conflict in their life - anyone who feels that their anger reactions are unhealthy and would like to learn helpful skills - anyone who lives with or are otherwi...
The symptoms of depression such as tiredness, lethargy, loss of interest, loss of motivation, loss of pleasure, and indecisiveness can lead to inactivity, and this often keeps the depression going or even make it worse. Also, because of the lack of motivation, a depressed person might begin to neglect everyday tasks and responsibilities at work or at home, and the list begins to pile up. As such, when a depressed person thinks about the things they have to do, they might feel overwhelmed by the pile of things they have put off doing. This might result in them feeling guilty or thinking that they are ineffective or even a failure. This will also worsen the depression. Increasing Your Activity Level One of the ways of overcoming depression is to increase your level of activity. There is a lot of evidence that shows that the more people do, and the more pleasant activities they get involved in, the better they feel. Becoming active has a number of advantages: Activity h...